2020 was an exceptionally strong year for Pasadena Community Foundation. At the Foundation’s annual Year in Review Investment Briefing, PCF Investment Manager C.J. Dennis, who serves as Senior Investment Consultant with Vanguard Institutional Advisory Services, shared good news about PCF’s investment performance and asset growth.
2020 Highlights
- PCF closed 2020 with $129.5 million in total assets and 400+ charitable funds.
- PCF offers Fund Holders three portfolio investment options. 2020 returns were as follows:
- PCF’s Long-Term Portfolio 16.12%
- PCF’s Moderate Portfolio 14.26%
- PCF’s ESG (socially responsible portfolio) 17.34%
- Of PCF’s approximately $129 million in charitable assets, $78 million are part of the Foundation’s “Funds for Pasadena” that generate grants for local nonprofits.
- PCF granted $2.6 million as part of the Foundation’s 2020 COIVD-19 response. These grants were generated from Funds for Pasadena Endowments and annual fundraising.
Please note that the above photo was taken before the COVID-19 outbreak, which accounts for the lack of masks and physical distancing.