Local Gold Star Families and Citizens of Pasadena Raise Money for Memorial Statue

We are proud to introduce The Enduring Heroes Memorial. This beautiful bronze monument of a soldier triumphantly holding the American flag, will be erected at the gateway to Pasadena and will pay permanent tribute to the fallen warriors from the greater Pasadena area who lost their lives fighting the Wars of Terror since 9/11/2001. For the past two years, a committed group of dedicated volunteers, including Pasadena-area Gold Star families (those who have tragically lost a son or daughter in Iraq and Afghanistan,) have worked tirelessly to bring this gift to our City that will honor our local hometown military heroes, and all those who serve.

The Enduring Heroes Memorial Statue in progress. (Photo by Dana Bouton)

Noted local sculptor Christopher Slatoff (pictured above; photo by Dana Bouton) brings unparalleled artistry and skill to the creation of this monument, which will enhance our City and create greater awareness of – and appreciation for – all who serve. Pictured here, the monument, sculpted in clay, will soon leave for the foundry to be cast in bronze. The completed piece, destined to be a prominent landmark, will return to Pasadena in May, 2017 and be installed in the aptly named, Defenders Parkway at the corner of Orange Grove and Colorado Boulevards.

The commitment of Enduring Heroes is to continue to recognize any future local fallen warrior and to take leadership in fostering gratitude for our Armed Service Members.

To support these efforts and contribute to the ongoing Endowment fund, please click here. You can follow us on Instagram (@Enduringheroes), and like and follow our Facebook page, which will continue to provide updates on the monument’s progress, bios of our heroes, and the upcoming dedication on Memorial Day, 2017.

PCF is pleased to be the fiscal sponsor for the fundraising effort to create the memorial and to hold the Endowment Fund which will maintain the memorial.
