Pasadena Community Foundation Funds

Carl W. & Lynn Cooper Education Endowment

The Coopers pictured in 2017

The Carl & Lynn Cooper Endowment supports Pasadena Community Foundation’s grantmaking in the area of education. This is a Fund for Pasadena, which benefits local organizations working to sustain and uplift our community.

Both Lynn and Carl Cooper were born and raised in the Los Angeles area. Lynn studied art in Vienna, Austria and returned to Los Angeles to teach art and raise two daughters. Lynn continues to pursue her own work, and her beautiful pen-and-ink and watercolor drawings appear in many Southern California collections under her professional name of Lynn Van Dam. Carl and Lynn have both supported local arts organizations, including the Pasadena Symphony Association, where Carl serves on the board of directors. Lynn was the 2018 president of the Women’s Committee, which organizes the annual Holiday Look-In home tour.

For Carl and Lynn, helping arts and cultural organizations in the Pasadena community is a top priority. They created The Carl W. and Lynn Cooper Endowment to support arts and culture organizations and education programs. These organizations will benefit from the earnings and appreciation of the endowment fund over time, so the Coopers are looking out for both the immediate and future needs of organizations they wish to help.

The Power of Endowment
Endowments are the cornerstone of PCF’s mission to build hometown legacies. The corpus of each endowed fund is invested with PCF’s portfolio for long-term growth. Each year, the endowments generate the funds that support PCF’s local grantmaking, which enriches the arts community, protects our environment, provides health care and critical social services, and bolsters public education in Pasadena. Endowments are permanent legacies for our community; these funds will continue to grow and provide philanthropic support forever. Learn more about creating an endowment at PCF.

Created 2007, revised May 2018

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