Pasadena Community Foundation Funds

Generous Hearts Endowment

Jennifer DeVoll has spent 22 years at the Pasadena Community Foundation (PCF) pouring her heart into building PCF’s endowments and assets to ensure ever-lasting support for our community. To honor that passion, PCF has created the Generous Hearts Endowment, which creates a legacy for Jennifer and provides unrestricted support for PCF’s local grantmaking in perpetuity.

We invite our community to join us in building the endowment with a gift of any amount. Your gift is tax-deductible, and its entirety will be contributed to the Generous Hearts Endowment.

Endowment gifts of $5,000 or more, received by March 14, 2025, will have special recognition in the event program.  Tickets to the event are not included with endowment gifts and must be purchased separately.

Patron gifts of $25,000 or more will receive two event tickets and special recognition in the event program.

Endowment gifts can be made online here, by check made payable to Pasadena Community Foundation (memo DeVoll Legacy), or reaching out to PCF Development Manager, Vivian Kambe: or (626) 796-2097, ext. 110.

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