Gail Rolf

Gail Rolf has devoted her adult life to education. Since 1969, she has taught health education on the junior high, high school, community college, and university levels. Gail has authored articles and consulted on many projects related to the health status of all youth, including the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and the transgender population.

The Gail Rolf Fund will support programs that focus on the advancement of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender civil rights. The Fund has a particular interest in helping students in K-12 and college/university students. Through a bequest from her estate, Gail hopes to support full equality for all students regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.

As a resident of Pasadena, she felt that the Pasadena Community Foundation was the perfect entity to help administer the fund, which will support specific charities that have a proven track record in this field.


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