Preventing shelter surrender is an important goal at Pasadena Humane. Thanks to a recent Animal Welfare Grant from Pasadena Community Foundation, the organization can help keep pets with the people who love them by expanding the reserves of its Helping Paws Pet Food Pantry.
The Helping Paws program distributes free pet food and supplies – including cat litter and flea medication – to 1,049 pets (and their parents) enrolled in the program. Those served by the pantry are typically low-income or unhoused pet owners who are in danger of having to give up their beloved companions due to financial difficulties or changes in housing circumstances.

This summer, PCF’s grant will help Pasadena Humane purchase and distribute 12,560 pounds of dog and cat food. According to Izzie Gomez, the Helping Paws Community Resources Coordinator, PCF’s grant has also allowed the organization to expand and provide a consistent supply of wet food for pets that have trouble eating dry food.
The food pantry is just one way that Pasadena Humane supports lower-income pet parents with compassionate care. It also offers free and low-cost spay/neuter and vaccines, as well as an animal support call center. Visit the Pasadena Humane website to learn about all the ways the organization offers pet assistance.