PCF Provides Grant to Foothill Family to Purchase Equipment to Serve Children and Families in Pasadena

Research has revealed that one in 10 children has a mental illness serious enough to impair how they function at home, in school, and with peers. Foothill Family’s field-based mental health staff work throughout the Pasadena Unified School District to provide behavioral health services for students. A proponent of prevention and early intervention, Foothill Family’s school-based services aim to improve the functioning of children and youth who exhibit social, emotional challenges by providing them with necessary tools and resources to stabilize and manage disruptive behavior.

Foothill Family Case Manager with a client.
Foothill Family Case Manager with a client.

Pasadena Community Foundation is proud to support Foothill Family’s work with a $25,000 Capital Grant in 2016 to purchase laptops for the staff to use in their school-based mental health services at Pasadena-area schools. This fieldwork is critical, because while the benefits of their program begin with the child at the center, they extend outwardly to teachers, peers, family, and community.

“Foothill Family is exceedingly grateful for our partnership with the Pasadena Community Foundation,” said Steve Allen, Foothill Family Chief Executive Officer. “For 21 years, PCF has contributed to Foothill Family’s ability to care for and empower individuals and families in the greater Pasadena area. The longevity of their commitment has contributed to a generation of change in our community and has supported Foothill Family for almost a quarter of our 90 year history.”