Pasadena Community Foundation begins 2021 once again leading local efforts to assist struggling small businesses after being selected by the City of Pasadena to administer the 2021 Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program.
The program, which opened for application January 25, provides approximately 50 reimbursable grants of $7,500 each to qualifying small businesses. Following PCF’s successful administration in summer 2020 of the city’s first COVID-19 Small Business Relief grants, PCF was awarded a second contract by the City of Pasadena to handle the development, outreach, selection, and disbursement of the latest grant program, which is funded by the City’s annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocation.
“Small businesses are suffering a huge financial burden due to the pandemic, and many don’t have the resources to hold on long term,” says Senior Program Officer Kate Clavijo. “PCF is grateful that the City has stepped up to help once again and is counting on the Foundation’s history of grant-making expertise to get help to the businesses that need it most.”
The grant program targets microbusinesses – those with five or fewer employees – that operate a storefront within the city of Pasadena. Additional eligibility criteria apply. The application is open January 25 through February 12, after which PCF will begin its review and selection of applicants and subsequently disburse grant funds.