Nonprofit agency funds

We help you establish a dependable revenue stream for your organization.

The Pasadena Community Foundation is committed to assisting nonprofit agencies in the greater Pasadena community both through our grant programs and through opportunities for agencies to partner with the Foundation through Agency Endowment and Agency Investment Funds.

$10,000 – Minimum endowment fund
$50,000 – Minimum investment fund

Agency assets are pooled with PCF’s professionally managed investment portfolio

Why become an Agency Endowment or Investment Fund of the Pasadena Community Foundation?
Endowment Building is our primary focus!

Two Fund Options:

  • Agency Investment Funds (non-endowed funds) can be used when and how you see fit. They remain secure, pooled and invested with our larger portfolio under our stewardship, until you need them.
  • Agency Endowment Funds are permanent investments, which we manage on behalf of your organization. The distribution of funds is made from the earnings, without touching the original contribution—or principal. 

Agency Endowment Funds

Building endowments is an important part of ensuring a nonprofit’s future financial stability. By joining in a formal partnership with the Foundation, nonprofit organizations benefit from our experience and knowledge of endowment building and complex giving strategies. One of the benefits to your group is that you get access to professional money managers at a cost effective rate and pool your assets with a larger portfolio. We absorb the burden and responsibility of endowment management. By placing your endowment with the Foundation, your organization adopts our Investment Guidelines. PCF’s Investment Committee meets quarterly to review the portfolio and measure their performance against industry benchmarks. 

Both Programs Provide:

  1. Access to a large diversified investment portfolio
    With a portfolio of $161 million in assets, PCF provides significant diversification. Moreover, PCF and its agency fund holders receive preferred institutional fee structures.
  2. Professional oversight of investment managers
    PCF is able to recruit a strong and sophisticated Investment Committee to provide professional oversight of our portfolio’s investment managers. The Committee is currently comprised of working investment professionals and other experienced professionals. They keep a watchful eye on asset allocation, portfolio returns, and investment fees to ensure long-term growth of the collective assets. They also provide a succession plan of oversight for those agencies that partner with us.
  3. Freedom to pursue your mission
    Our fund management expertise means that your Board is free to focus on other things, such as your mission, your fundraising efforts, or other organizational priorities.
  4. Easy and transparent access to your fund
    PCF’s Fund Holder Portal provides secure online access to your fund, allowing you to request a grant or print a statement at any time, even when PCF is closed for business.

Additionally, our Endowment Program Provides:

  1. A disciplined approach to endowment management
    Our endowment management program is designed to grow your corpus over the long term while delivering an annual payout that supports the operating or program needs of your organization. We calculate the average value of your endowment based on a 12-quarter trailing average. The agency then receives an annual payout based on a prudent spending policy adopted by our Board.
  2. Legal compliance
    PCF upholds and abides by the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA).

Contact: Jennifer DeVoll at (626) 796-2097 ext. 101 or

PCF is a 501c3 public charity Tax ID# 20-0253310

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